DON'T Purchase Any Collagen Products
Until You Read This..


I know what it’s like to
be held hostage by bad skin.

Early in my life, I suffered with an extreme case of cystic acne and hyper-pigmentation.

I remember being so embarrassed that I hid my face behind my hair all the time.

I tried every product I could afford, from
salicylic acid to benzoyl peroxide,

And my skin ended up red, dry, and flaky.

It felt awful.

The defining moment in my life came when
I was 14 years old, in the kitchen preparing fruit.

My Mother Always Told Me,
“If You Want Beautiful Skin, Eat
Lots of Fruit And Vegetables.

So, I started studying how Traditional Chinese medicine used foods to heal. And I created facial masks using everything from blueberries, to papayas, and applied them every day.

And you know what?

It Slowly Cleared My Acne.

The dryness and inflammation evaporated.

My face didn’t hurt anymore.

And even the scars were slowly fading away.

I was the happiest person on Earth.

Since then, I made a promise to dedicate
the rest of my professional life to helping others look their very best.

I believe that everyone deserves beautiful, clear skin.

That they deserve to feel confident.

That they should not have to hide.

And by treating the root cause from the inside out…

…and because I show them how to listen to their skin, and understand what it’s telling them…

…clients are able to experience results that last.

And they don’t have to rely on chemicals, injections, or surgery.

I’ve been blessed with so much success and exposure, but it also means I can’t work 1-on-1 with as many women as I’d like.

And that’s why I want to share some of my most valuable age-erasing secrets with you today.

But first…

…to see why these secrets seem so magical, you have to understand where the problem actually starts.

The Basics:
How Your Skin Works

The best way to explain it, is to think of this orange.

There’s a thin outer layer.

But there’s also THIS firm, white, pithy layer underneath as well.

Well, our skin has a similar layer.

It’s called the dermis, or the “dermal layer”.

You See,
The Signs of Aging DON’T Start
Where You Think They Do.

They don’t start on the SURFACE of your skin...

...they start inside THIS dermal layer.

When you see skin that is plump... smooth... and firm...

…that glows and is radiant…

…it’s because THIS layer – the DERMAL LAYER – is healthy... nourished... and constantly drawing hydrating nutrients UP to the surface.

And that’s what creates that healthy look we all want.

But when the dermal layer becomes unhealthy, you start to see it in the mirror.

So to keep your dermal layer from collapsing, getting thinner, and losing its moisture…

…you have to keep its supply of collagen and hyaluronic acid fresh, flowing, and abundant.

Collagen Is What Gives
Your Skin Shape And Form.

When you think of youthful skin, it’s firm.

It’s tight.

It’s full and lifted.

That’s because your collagen fibers are
abundant, active, healthy, and intact.

Hyaluronic acid, on the other hand, is what fills your collagen fibers. It goes through the collagen fibers and HYDRATES them.

In fact, each drop of hyaluronic acid in your skin can infuse 1,000 times its weight in water.

And THAT is how your body was designed to keep fluids circulating through your skin…

…nourishing it, soothing it, detoxifying it…

…keeping it looking full, hydrated,
and glowing.

If you think of a sponge…

… it’s full of fibers.

And when a sponge absorbs any liquid,
it becomes soft and flexible.

It turns ELASTIC.

Now, imagine stretching a wet sponge.

After you let go, it springs right back to its original shape.

But when you stretch a dry, crusty sponge?

It breaks apart.

It cracks.

And can even crumble.

The collagen in your skin is just like the sponge.

And hyaluronic acid like the liquid the sponge absorbs.

They work TOGETHER and keep each other healthy.

But it all starts with having healthy and abundant collagen.

The #1 Thing That
Separates Age-Defying Skin From
Age-Accelerating Skin

Now, here’s where the problem starts.

Every second of the day, your skin is producing new collagen fibers. But eventually, these collagen fibers will die off and are replaced by new ones.

And so, your body creates an enzyme to help dissolve and remove dying collagen.

So, it literally disintegrates the dying collagen and removes it from the area.

That’s the only way new collagen can have the room to grow.

For an Age-Defier, this enzyme is in perfect balance.

She creates new collagen, and removes old collagen at the SAME RATE. Yet, when a woman is experiencing accelerated signs of aging, it’s because…

…she is producing TOO MUCH of this enzyme.

So it starts to eat away her new, fresh, HEALTHY collagen.

When Your HEALTHY Collagen
Is Destroyed, It Cannot Hold As Much
Hyaluronic Acid Anymore.

So, your skin dries out.

Then your reflection in the mirror starts to become crepey and
crinkly looking...

…it feels dry no matter how many moisturizers you use...

…you notice your skin starts to get thinner...

…and starts to break down and collapse.

Now, this collapse, is what you see in the mirror as a wrinkle.

This is what I call dermal collapse.

Where you experience a loss of smoothness, color or glow.

And with less collagen, there is less elasticity.

It doesn’t spring back as much. And that’s where it starts to sag.

Especially around your jawline...

above your eye lids...

around your neck and décolletage

and your upper arms. Areas like...

under your eyes, which are already delicate, become thinner.

And this makes the capillaries show.

And this looks like dark, puffy, circles under the eyes.

Skin Enemy #1 -
It’s Not What We Thought

Now, to stop this “dermal collapse”, it all comes down
to ONE thing – reducing this skin-destroying enzyme.

Now I want you to take note of this.

Because dermatologists aren’t teaching it to you.

Magazines aren’t talking about it.

Most experts have never even heard of it.

This enemy is called…


And if you’re watching this, chances are, your body is flooding your skin with it.

But before the end of this presentation...

…I’m not just going to show you how to reduce this skin enemy…

…I’m going to show you how to get rid of it.

And then I’ll show you how to use your body’s own natural ability to regenerate fresh... healthy... youth-restoring collagen again.

So let’s get into the first Skin Secret…

Skin-Secret 1:
Bright Purple and Red Foods

The first secret is to think purple corn.

Here’s what I mean: UV rays are the #1 trigger for MMP-1.

These UV rays skyrocket your MMP-1 enzyme.

It’s the TRUE reason every book, magazine, and expert tells you to put on sunblock. They saw that UV rays aged skin rapidly.

But they didn’t know exactly why.

Yet there is a safe solution most women simply don’t know about.

And that’s to increase your body’s own natural sun blocker.

And the best way to do that is to consume more Anthocyanins.

Anthocyanins are
In Certain Superfoods.

And they have a unique ability to
soak up UV rays like a sponge, before
they reach your skin cells. It’s like a
cellular sunblock made by Mother Nature.

But that’s just the beginning. Studies
now reveal that they can fight everything from...

heart disease
age-related neurodegenerative disease
and even cancer

Studies Have Also Shown
That Anthocyanins Can Reduce
The Growth of Cancer Cells.

As well as slow the formation of tumors.

Now, foods high in anthocyanins are VERY easy to find.

It’s any fruit or vegetable that are bright red-orange to blue-violet in color.

Some of the most potent foods are:

Purple Corn

Although this corn is actually dark purple, some people call it blue. You will find this type of corn generally in corn chips or tortillas.

But other delicious foods high in this incredible skin nutrient are:

Concord Grapes

Egg Plants




And Black Raspberries
Skin-Secret 2: S.O.D

For this next secret, I want to you write these 3 letters down.

S... O... D.

This stands for a scary-sounding word:

Superoxide Dismutase.

But it’s commonly called SOD.

Let me explain why this is so important.

Free Radicals are the #2 greatest trigger of MMP-1.

Now, we hear the term “free radicals” all the time.

And there’s a reason for that.

Because every day, without your knowledge, the cells of your body are being attacked and weakened by free radicals.

And it turns normal healthy cells like this…

into this...

…and this devastates your cells’ ability to defend themselves the way they should.

Can you see how the smooth full, round, shape of the healthy cells is replaced by spikey, deformed looking cells?

Well, that’s what free radicals do.

These damaged, injured, and deformed cells are NOW sitting ducks for any germ, disease, harmful bacteria, or virus to invade.

And the signs of aging we see in the mirror, are simply the result of this kind of damage being done to our skin cells as well.

That’s where antioxidants come in.

Antioxidants are like the bodyguards of your cells.

They defend against free radicals and the damage they leave.

Now, some free radicals are more destructive than others.

The Most Destructive One
Is Called Superoxide.

And SOD is the ONLY antioxidant that has been shown to neutralize it.

One of the best ways to increase your natural SOD levels is by eating wheat sprouts.

This is not refined wheat. It’s the seeds of wheat plants that have been sprouted.

This has been found to increase SOD in your blood more than any other type of food or supplement.

And I’ll show you how you can get this in your diet in just a moment. But first let’s get to the last secret.

Skin-Secret 3:
You MUST Rebuild & Protect Your Dermal Layer From The Inside Out

The last secret comes from the ancient system of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

And it can be used to literally rebuild your dermal layer from the inside out.

It’s like a shortcut to regenerating your own collagen. And it comes from my
very own heritage.

Being Chinese-American, I grew up with Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM for short. For every ailment, wound, or illness, we always used a Chinese medicinal herb… or a special combination of foods…

...or even a certain timing of when to eat
to recover.

What’s ironic, is that the answer to your skin problems may have been right under our
noses for 5,000 years.

Only now, 5,000 years later…

…western medicine is finally catching up.

That’s why prestigious institutions like
Harvard Medical School, Stanford, The Mayo Clinic, The Cleveland Clinic, and Duke University, have started to study TCM and publish their eye-opening findings.

Now, one area of TCM that reverses the hands of time in each skin cell,

is easy for you to use,

and creates dramatic results, is Chinese medicinal herbs.

And when it comes to using your body’s own natural ability to synthesize and generate its own collagen…

…there is one Chinese medicinal herb that rises far above the rest.

In fact, it was first discovered
over 5,000 years ago by none
other than Shen Nong...

...the founder of Chinese herbal medicine himself.

It’s one of the oldest Chinese healing plants that was used medicinally.

And has always been considered one of the most powerful herbs for helping many of the illnesses and diseases people suffer from today.

For example…

…the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology found that it was successful in decreasing or eliminating tumors…

Studies also show how it helps the cardiovascular system by:

Preventing arterial plaque build-up

Reducing blood pressure, and

Lowering bad cholesterol levels

But Not Only That,
Science Is Now Showing TCM Also…


Treats diabetes by reducing insulin resistance and diabetes-related diseases…


Prevents or reduces asthma attacks…


Treats HIV by protecting T-helper cells that fight
the virus…

And that’s to name just a few of its incredible abilities.

It was because of this that I never saw it as a “beauty” treatment.

The enzyme that literally disintegrates your collagen?

And that’s when a world-renowned formulator emailed me about a certain highly specialized extract of this herb that actually does THE most important thing for aging skin!

Remember, MMP-1?

Well, when this respected formulator showed me clinical test results, I have to be honest…

…I had a hard time believing it at first.

The clinical trials showed that it slashed MMP-1 by an astonishing 51%!

That’s Over HALF of Your #1 Skin Enemy


No side effects.

No injections.

No toxicity.

No complicated routines to deal with.

Now, reducing your MMP-1 by over half, all by itself is nothing short of revolutionary. There is nothing else that does this.

And since skin replaces itself faster than any other organ…

…you can have completely new, healthier, firmer, younger
looking skin in weeks!

Because there is no more of that MMP-1 enzyme destroying your vital collagen anymore.

Without This Skin-Enemy
Eating Away Your Dermal Layer
New Skin Cells Can Now Grow, Rebuild,
And Make It to The Surface Again.

Even large pharmaceutical companies are currently trying to monopolize the market by creating a drug that does the same thing.

Now, when it comes to skin solutions, everyone who knows me will tell you…

…I am a very skeptical person.

I see ALL the promises out there.

But I also see the nightmares.

Like when women come to my clinic with swollen, inflamed, and damaged skin because of a “bad reaction” to the latest mass-marketed skin “miracle” on late-night TV.

But hard as it was for me to believe, this proprietary herbal extract kept getting better.

Not only did it reduce this skin-destroying enzyme by more than half, it ALSO:

Increased collagen in the dermal layer by a staggering 80%

(That’s almost doubling the amount of collagen your skin produces.

By increasing this foundational part of your skin, you can finally restore the tone, the youthful texture, and the fullness that you desire.) Next…

It stimulates hyaluronic acid production by a phenomenal 20%

As you recall, hyaluronic acid can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water.

Which means crinkly, dehydrated, dull, crepey skin becomes smooth, plump, and radiant again.

But that’s not all…

It skyrockets the SOD antioxidant in the blood by 60%

If you remember, SOD is one of THE most powerful antioxidants
(or what I call your skin’s bodyguards).

And it’s also the only antioxidant that can neutralize the most damaging free radical in our body.

Last but not least…

It’s able to survive the digestive tract 100% intact…

Despite what marketers tell you, collagen taken as a supplement, cannot survive the digestive tract.

And its molecules are too big to pass through the digestive walls.

This, however, is a collagen generating extract that survives and easily passes through your digestive tract to make it to every skin cell.

Within 30 days, without changing anything else except taking this extract, those who took part in the clinical study reported fast, and dramatic results.

100% said their skin felt and looked more hydrated

96% said their skin felt silkier…

100% said their skin felt softer…

100% said their skin appeared and felt more
supple and smooth…

100% of users said their skin felt less dry…

91% said that after using this product, their skin
instantly appeared healthier.

But these results make a lot of sense when you think about it.

What would your skin respond better to?

Collagen and hyaluronic acid made in a lab?

Or collagen and hyaluronic acid made by your own body?

What is this miraculous herb?

It’s called astragalus.

But not just any kind of astragalus.

What this formulator unearthed is a proprietary, patented, clinically proven, and trademarked astragalus extract that cannot be found anywhere else.

And when I say “clinically proven”, I mean it.

Unlike most skincare products, that have no requirement for clinical testing by the FDA…

…this astragalus extract went through the most difficult type of test to go through.

It’s called a randomized double-blind placebo controlled trial.

Also known as the Gold Standard of clinical testing because it is so impossible to fake.

Plus, it was tested on actual humans.
Not mice or monkeys.

What Works On Animals
Doesn’t Mean It Will Work On Us.

So, what were the visible results?

Here are some of the before and after img2 to show how dramatic the changes were from the test group:

Now keep in mind, they didn’t make any other changes in their diet or lifestyle.

The only thing they did was take a small amount of this specific, patented, and trademarked astragalus extract.

But why stop there?

Why not make the perfect anti-aging skincare solution?

And that’s what took things to a whole new level.

So, the next ingredient I stumbled upon, comes from three different types of oranges found in the volcanic region surrounding Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy.

They are the:



And Sanguinello

Scientists were curious how these rich, succulent, and delicious fruits could flourish in such a harsh, volatile, and unforgiving environment.

They Found These Oranges
Were Saturated
With None Other
Than The Skin-Protecting Anthocyanins
I Talked About Earlier!

Remember, anthocyanins act like a cellular sunblock which literally ABSORBS and soaks up skin-damaging UV rays.

That way they don’t reach your skin cells and leave sun damage, sun spots, and discoloration.

The studies of this specific anthocyanin ingredient showed a
dramatic reduction in sun spots, uneven skin tone, hyperpigmentation, and discoloration.

And this too is a proprietary, patented, clinically proven, and
form of anthocyanin that you’ll be infusing into
your skin cells.

Together, this dynamic duo of proprietary nutrients, transforms your skin from age-accelerating, to age-defying.

I was so impressed with the science that I decided to create a new skincare company called 5th & Glow together with that renowned formulator.

Our goal is to select and provide only the highest quality, clinically tested

and yet affordable skincare solutions for women that could not make it to my clinic.

Even Though It Took Hundreds of
of Trial And Error to Find:

The highest quality GMP certified manufacturers

Located here in the US, and

Vetting the labs of suppliers to make sure there was no adulteration, contamination, or the use of fake fillers…

I am proud to announce…

HydraLyft TM

REDUCE the collagen-destroying enzyme, MMP-1 to healthy levels

NATURALLY stimulate collagen levels by as much as 80%

Naturally increase hyaluronic
levels by 20%

And protect your skin cells from
UV ray sun damage

Not only that, you’ll also find your skin growing younger by the day.

Fine lines and wrinkles reducing, if not vanishing…

Sun spots and discoloration fading away…

Dry crepey skin becoming a thing of the past…

The tired, dull, reflection in the mirror transform into that peaches and cream glow that everyone else will envy…

Weary-looking eyes lifted and brightened…

There Are So Many More
Benefits That One Small Dose of This Remarkable Discovery Can Provide.

And as I’ve said before, studies show that these revolutionary, patented, and proprietary extracts can replace the same old patterns like your existing wrinkles and lines with fresh, new skin cells.

Because you’ll stop the wrinkling process itself at the cellular level, so your new “baby” skin cells can stay young, fresh and radiant...

...and not get wrinkled the same way your old skin cells did.

How Much Could You Save?

Imagine never having to fork over thousands of dollars for injections, fillers, or expensive surgery.

Or being able to say goodbye to your graveyard of
skincare products.

Because HydraLyft works 24/7 from the
inside out…

…your skin on every area of your body…

…will start to transform before your very eyes.

And you’ll easily save at least $200 a month on skincare products.

How Jackie Convinced Me
To Remove All Your Risk

But if it were sold at a high-end
anti-aging spa or boutique, as we originally intended, it would probably sell for around $197 a bottle. 

And I KNOW women would feel it was an absolute bargain.

We were ready to distribute HydraLyft through high-end spas and boutiques on the east and west coasts.

But then I met Jackie.

Her daughter, one of my long-time clients, had bought Jackie a series of anti-aging treatments with me.

On her third treatment, Jackie revealed how happy she was with the results. 

Then she told me that for the last ten years she felt invisible

That even though she took care of everyone else in her life, she felt no one noticed her anymore.

But now, she remembers what it feels like to be noticed, wanted and desired again. 

Especially by her husband.

She No Longer Had to
Hide Beneath
Tons of Makeup. 

And her old personality, the REAL Jackie, was able to come out again.

That’s when I decided I wanted to make HydraLyft available to as many women as possible.

I wondered if making HydraLyft available online, direct to the customer, instead of high-end spas, would be sustainable.

If I made HydraLyft available here on this website, and reduce inventory costs, I could make it a lot more affordable to many more women.

We decided to find out.

So right now, you won’t have to pay $197 a bottle…

…you won’t even have to pay $97 a bottle…

…while on this page, you can try HydraLyft, 100% risk-free, for only $44.97.

Now if that is not reason enough for you to place your order right now, I’ll give you another reason.

No matter what the price ends up going up to in the future…

…you will only have to pay this same price for ANY future orders.

Once you place your order, you will be taken to a page that looks like this:

Now, once you fill in your information and confirm your order…

…your bottle of HydraLyft will be shipped out and arrive at your door.

I’m Taking All The Risk Off Your Shoulders

You see, I’m not asking you to decide right now.

whether HydraLyft is right for you.

Instead, I just want you to simply TRY HydraLyft, while you can at this price.

All You Need to Do Is to
Try One Bottle…

…just one month’s supply.

Use it, and see that it is everything we claim it is.

We know you will see why it’s the best investment you have made in yourself and in your happiness.

Even if you use up the entire bottle and if you still want to get your money back…

…it won’t be an issue.

All you need to do?

Contact us within 365 days, or an entire year, and we will refund you the purchase price right away.

We only want raving customers.

And we know you too, will be DELIGHTED when you experience what HydraLyft does to you.

That’s why we are so confident.

Yes, I’m sure there are some people who will use it, and ask for their money back regardless.

And from past experience, most people are honest and just want to live their days, FREE from accelerated aging skin that is none of their fault.

Claim These Reports Absolutely Free…

Now, in addition to having the most advanced NATURAL anti- aging solution today…

…I want to make sure you get the most out of your new order of HydraLyft.

Report #1: So, I am now including my special report, called “5 Minute Facelift”

In this report, which you’ll be able to download right away once you order HydraLyft

  • You’ll get the fastest and most dramatic transformation possible by showing you all the different ways your body is designed to lift and tighten the jawline, cheekbones, and eyelids.

  • It’ll show you the most common areas that sabotage your anti-aging efforts…
    and how to avoid them.

You’ll be able to speed up your success because it will show you the different massages… muscle-stimulation techniques… acupressure points and foods you can eat… that firm and tighten the areas most likely to succumb to gravity.

This is not a replacement for you taking HydraLyft.

It’s something that, again, will make your transformation happen faster and easier. 

The cost of “5 Minute Facelift” is normally $37 when you buy it alone.

It’s yours absolutely free.

And you can download it in the next 30 seconds when you order HydraLyft right now.

But to give you the latest tactics and techniques science has to offer…

…I’m also going to include a second free gift.

Report #2: It’s called
“Meridian Points For Age-Defying Eyes”

Imagine if you could look in the mirror and see lifted, awakened, lively, refreshed and rested eyes.

What would it be like...

...if you could massage away that fatigued, dull, and tired appearance?

Well, that’s what you’ll be able to do MINUTES from now.

I’ve compiled a collection of short, simple treatments you can use in the comfort of your own home…

…that flush toxins away, drawing rejuvenating nutrients and blood flow back to this area

…and lift and firm the under-eyes.

Well, that’s what you’re getting!

You’d have to pay $37 if you bought it by itself.

But I’m giving it to you free of charge once you order HydraLyft.

As you can imagine, this has created an avalanche of orders.

I’m not sure right now if we even have any HydraLyft in stock at the time you’re reading this.

Below, you’re either going to see 3 options to order HydraLyft

…or you’ll see a sign-up form to get on a waitlist.

If you see the signup for the waitlist, that means we’ve now run out of inventory.

And unfortunately, we can’t help you.

However, if you do see three ordering options…

…it means we still have some in stock.

So, as it stands…

…you have 3 choices right now.

You Choose Your Destiny

You can do nothing at all. You can continue to live your live. Risk having the skin-destroying enzyme steadily accelerate your aging process

You can use the advice I’ve given you for free in this presentation.

You can try to do it on your own.

You may get improvement with this, and that’s WONDERFUL.

I want you to enjoy younger, more beautiful skin the natural way, without having to resort to countless cosmetics or expensive surgeries.

And then there’s…

Try HydraLyft without risk…

Try it for at least two weeks.

The instructions are on the bottle.

They are easy to follow.

You can still use the tips I’ve given you earlier.

They will just make things go much faster.

We’ve Been Robbed Of Our
God-Given Claim To Age-Defying Looks

I wish it wasn’t this way, but in today’s world, the idea
of creating optimum skin health – actually, to have NORMAL skin health – we need supplements.

The food industry has created so much “Frankenstein food”. We don’t know what we’re eating anymore.

Accelerated aging is evolving in response to all the chemicals people are unknowingly ingesting.

Because of the constant and massive exposure to
hormone-altering and cancer-causing chemicals
in our environment…

…your skin has become IMMUNE to common creams and moisturizers that barely worked in the past.

Collagen is what gives your skin shape and form.

Even fresh food like vegetables and fruits have been harvested early… before the full amount of nutrients are developed.

They are sprayed with
chemical pesticides and herbicides…

…and they ALL go into our bodies.

And we can’t feed our skin the way
we should anymore!

Our collagen production starts to slow down.

Skin cells start to dry out and die off faster.

Elasticity is replaced by sagging
and thinning.

There is no reason for this.

All you have to do is…

Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below…

…and order a bottle of HydraLyft.

Now, to make this decision as easy as possible, if you act now “I’ll include in this one-of-a-kind…


It’s called… “Secrets For A Youthful Neck & Décolletage”

As you know, the neck and décolletage are some of the most neglected areas of our anti-aging routines.

So, I complied the best natural home remedies for loose neck skin and a sun-damaged chest area. You can have at your fingertips the exact steps to follow right on your skin…

Which Of These Do You
Want To Experience Most?

Now, once you start using HydraLyft

…you’ll probably notice it working very soon.

Most women do. You’ll notice, that you look softer.

And that you look more energized and
rested throughout the day.

Then in a few days, when you look in the mirror, you’ll notice you need much less foundation.

…and when you look in the mirror, you just look different.

Your skin looks lifted, and dewy.

A week later, people will start commenting on your appearance.

Because unlike unhealthy anti-aging treatments, where you only look more and more artificial…

…These Ingredients Renew
And Regrow Healthy Younger Skin.

So, not only do the signs of aging melt away, your skin starts to get more hydrated…

… your jaw line starts to show more…

…sagging skin will start to look and feel firmer.

For some, this might take a day or two longer. Now for others, it might take a week.

However, one day…

…it WILL happen. I call it…

Your "Moment Of Freedom"

It’s where you feel that you’re in the driver’s seat for the first time.

Where you’re in control of how you look.

Where you’re not fighting an invisible enemy
that keeps speeding the hands of time.

Where you know you can:

…leave the house without being buried
under makeup…

…reduce or eliminate the need
for concealers…

…and finally look the way you feel inside.

So you can be a model of confidence and empowerment for those who mean the most in your life:

Your children…

your grandchildren…

your spouse…

your friends.

Until this moment, a part of you was held hostage by lack of information.

This lack of information has blocked your ability to hear what your skin has been trying to say for years…

…and denying you the happiness and fulfillment you deserve.

When the “Moment Of Freedom” comes for you…

…it will be over.

This is what I desire for you.

I want this for you.

I want you to get your “Moment Of Freedom” as soon as possible.

So, go ahead, place your order.

Download all the bonuses right now
and begin your transformation
as soon as possible.

Choose the option that best suits you below.

Again, you have NOTHING whatsoever to risk.

In fact…

I’m taking all the risk.

Even if you use an entire bottle, and send it back…

…I’ll still process your full refund.

No questions asked.

No need to feel bad or awkward.

Mail it back and the money will be refunded to you right away.

Again, this is Cecilia Wong. And thank you for your time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hi there.

You’re still here. Well you probably have questions.

Here are the most common ones I hear…

That’s a great question. As I stated in the HydraLyft video, I partnered with the company 5th& Glow to create a more affordable line of cosmetic and beauty products.

Here is a list of the ingredients for you...

We always welcome your questions and are here to help.

You can email us at:
You can call us at 1-912-712-0267

We do get a lot of calls so we appreciate your patience in getting back to you.

Use it, and see that it is everything we claim it is.

We know you will see why it’s the best investment you have made in yourself and in your happiness.

Even if you use up the entire bottle and if you still want to get your moneyback it won’t be an issue.

All you need to do?

Contact us within 365 days, or an entire year, and we will refund you the purchase price right away.

Each ingredient of HydraLyft has shown to be safe.

However, if you are concerned about the safety of using HydraLyft, what we suggest is to do the following BEFORE using HydraLyft: First, show the ingredients to your doctor.

If your doctor does not deem it safe for you or your skin type or has a specific reason that it might not be the best option at this time, we will happily give you a refund NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

Collagen creams and hyaluronic creams simply do not work unless they are made a specific way. There are 3 reasons why:

First off, collagen and hyaluronic molecules are very large. They simply cannot pass through the external layer of skin. Your outer layer of skin is DESIGNED to keep anything like germs, harmful bacteria, viruses, toxins, OUT of the body.

If it allowed anything inside, we simply would not be able to survive. So, unless the collagen or hyaluronic acid cream you intend to use can actually penetrate the outer layer of your skin, you are, AT BEST, paying a high price for a temporary moisturizer.

Second, the same thing is true of your digestive tract. Collagen and Hyaluronic acid cannot pass through the digestive tract for the same reason. The molecules are too big. But not only that, digestive acids, easily destroy them as well.

Third, if you have a high amount of MMP-1 enzyme in your skin, literally dissolving your collagen, and therefore your dermal layer, then eating more collagen, or putting more of it onto your skin, is a waste of time and money. It’s just being eaten up by the MMP-1 enzyme.

That’s why I HAD to make a capsule and I had to make sure that I was not supplying collagen or hyaluronic acid. Instead, I am supplying nutrients that are proven to increase your OWN collagen and hyaluronic acid.

And I’m glad I get this question because, you do need to know what to avoid. I want to make sure you avoid wasting your time, money, and energy first: There are 3 different types of collagen options out there.

Lotions, Potions, Creams

First is the “Lotions, Potions, and Creams” category. And here’s why it’s bunk. As you now know, the collagen molecule is very large. It’s just too large to be absorbed through the skin topically. So, don’t be fooled by “lotions and potions”. It’s not going to happen.

Plus, over-the-counter “magic” home treatments aren’t classified as drugs. So, they’re totally exempt from any rigid scientific testing. They can make ANY claim. And they don’t have to do any clinical tests to back it up. That’s why the clinical testing that was done on the ingredients in HydraLyft is so important to me.

Powders & Pills

Now, collagen “powders and pills” are all the rage now. But they are no better when it comes to your skin.

First off, there are 28 different types of collagen. Your skin is 80% type 1 collagen and 15% of collagen type 3. Most people have NO IDEA what kind of collagen they are even taking!

Second, when collagen IS ingested, it is almost completely destroyed by your stomach acids.

Last, because they are such large molecules, they will NOT pass through your digestive wall and therefore, never get to your skin!

Injections & Fillers

Injections and fillers are popular, and for good reason. The results last for months. And it avoids the need for surgery. But for those who use them for a long time, they simply start to look artificial and unnatural.

That was one of the reasons why Courteney Cox decided to stop doing them. But what many of you aren’t being told, is how dangerous they can be. The FDA even warned, and I quote: “Unintentional injection can block blood vessels and restrict blood supply to tissues."

And they warn that serious risks also include: “scarring, blurred vision, partial vision loss, and blindness if the dermal filler is inadvertently injected into a blood vessel. It is recommended that health care providers take care to avoid injection into blood vessels (especially around the forehead, nose and eye area) for these reasons, allergic reaction that may lead to a severe reaction (anaphylactic shock) that requires emergency medical help.”

NBC News reported that a team led by the Cleveland Clinic found reports about 61 patients who had severe complications from facial filler procedures, including dead tissue in the nose.

So again, I wanted to create a SAFE way to help women slow down the signs of aging and keep it looking as young and beautiful as they can.

The first secret is to know your skin type.

People with darker skin have more melanin. Melanin is like your skin's own sunblock. It's what gives us our skin color. Many people don't know this. But melanin is designed to absorb UV rays. And that prevents UV rays from reaching your skin cells.

People with darker skin are different. They have genetic roots in regions where there was a lot of exposure to the sun. Because of this, they have a lot more melanin. And they also have a dermal layer that is much thicker.

But those whose genetic roots are from northern Europe, the Nordic regions, and Northern Asia, got far less sun. Without enough sun, their bodies couldn't produce enough vitamin D. And without enough vitamin D, they were prone to all kinds of illnesses.

So, to preserve their health, their bodies HAD to make thinner skin. And it's also why they had to produce much less melanin. This was the only way they could get enough vitamin D! And that's why today, they tend to be more sensitive to UV rays. And it's also why they naturally have thinner skin to begin with.

I'll be making more videos in the future for each of the 9 skin types I have identified.

But the most common complaint I get at my New York clinic is from fair-skinned women who experience conditions like thinning and sagging skin, uneven skin tone, and hyper pigmentation. All of which are all related to this skin type.

One important part of becoming a limitless age-defier is to soothe and calm your skin by lowering inflammation. Inflamed skin is the THIRD major trigger of MMP-1.

But it also causes occasional rashes accompanied by skin itching and redness, to chronic conditions such as eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis. And most important: Long-term skin-inflammation, which is what most women today have, can damage your tissue permanently.

That’s why I wanted to include a powerful complex of rich polyphenols.

Polyphenols are nutrients found in a diverse set of superfood plants, and even though polyphenols are best known for preventing and reducing the progression of diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases they are powerful anti-inflammatories.

Because they work best when taken from many different plant sources at once, I wanted women to have a full spectrum of the most powerful, inflammation-reducing, skin-soothing, and nourishing plant extracts.

I was able to find the purest, and most potent polyphenol extracts like: Resveratrol, Green tea extract, Gotu Kola, Horsetail extract, and Rose Hips to infuse your skin with soothing, and deeply radiant glow.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract contains large amounts of polyphenols, giving it a huge number of health benefits across the board, helping to balance cholesterol levels, detoxifying your liver, reducing inflammation in your intestines, and lots more.

It's no wonder the Japanese, the healthiest, thinnest, and longest-lived culture in the world, consume large amounts of green tea every day. I believe it's one of the reasons they can eat so many carbs like white rice and stay thin.

And then there’s…

Horsetail Extract

Along with the antioxidant benefits and the anti-inflammatory benefits for acne and irritation, horsetail extract has other skin benefits. Applied to the skin, it can help heal rashes, burns and wounds thanks to its antibacterial properties.

Another anti-aging benefit is the silica horsetail contains. Collagen is an important part of the skin, keeping it taut and wrinkle free. Silica can help form collagen, especially when the production is slowed with ageing.

Horse tail tea can also be used as a toner to calm the skin. Horsetail can also shrink pores when used this way. And I also included Gotu Kola, Rose Hips, and Resveratrol in this polyphenol complex to create a diverse set of polyphenol sources.

Together, they work synergistically, to reduce your skin enemy, MMP-1 and restore healthy, natural, skin repair, and regeneration again.


I don’t like having to swallow large capsules that get stuck in my throat. It makes me dread having to take it.

So, when I saw the ingredients I told you about earlier, one of the things I was delighted about was how concentrated they were.

That meant the capsule would be very small and easy to swallow.

Use it, and see that it is everything we claim it is. We know you will see why it’s the best investment you have made in yourself and in your happiness.

Even if you use up the entire bottle and if you still want to get your money back, it won’t be an issue. All you need to do?

Contact us within 365 days, or an entire year, and we will refund you the purchase price right away.

When you think of youthful skin, it’s firm, tight, full and lifted. That’s because your collagen fibers are abundant, active, healthy, and intact. Hyaluronic acid, on the other hand, is that fills your collagen fibers. It goes through the collagen fibers and HYDRATES them.

In fact, each drop of hyaluronic acid in your skin can infuse 1,000 times its weight in water. And THAT is how your body was designed to keep fluids circulating through your skin. If you think of a sponge, it’s full of fibers. And when a sponge absorbs any liquid, it becomes soft and flexible. It turns ELASTIC.

Now, imagine stretching a wet sponge. After you let go, it springs right back to its original shape. But when you stretch a dry, crusty sponge? It breaks apart. It cracks. And can even crumble. The collagen in your skin is just like the sponge. And hyaluronic acid like the liquid the sponge absorbs. They work TOGETHER and keep each other healthy.

But it all starts with having healthy and abundant collagen. The #1 Thing That Separates Age-Defying Skin From Age-Accelerating Skin Now, here’s where the problem starts.

Every second of the day, your skin is producing new collagen fibers. But eventually, these collagen fibers will die off and are replaced by new ones.

And so, your body creates an enzyme to help dissolve and remove dying collagen. So, it literally disintegrates the dying collagen and removes it from the area. That’s the only way new collagen can have the room to grow. For an Age-Defier, this enzyme is in perfect balance.

She creates new collagen, and removes old collagen at the SAME RATE. Yet, when a woman is experiencing accelerated signs of aging, it’s because she is producing TOO MUCH of this enzyme.

So, it starts to eat away her new, fresh, HEALTHY collagen.

When Your HEALTHY Collagen Is Destroyed, It Cannot Hold As Much Hyaluronic Acid Anymore.

So, your skin dries out. Then your reflection in the mirror starts to become crepey and crinkly looking and starts to breakdown and collapse.

Now, this collapse, is what you see in the mirror as a wrinkle. This is what I call dermal collapse. Where you experience a loss of smoothness, color or glow. And with less collagen, there is less elasticity. It doesn’t spring back as much. And that’s where it starts to sag.

Now, to stop this “dermal collapse”, it all comes down to ONE thing – reducing this skin-destroying enzyme.

This enemy is called MMP-1. The clinical trials showed that it slashed MMP-1 by an astonishing 51%!

This proprietary herbal extract kept getting better. Not only did it reduce this skin-destroying enzyme by more than half, it ALSO:

Increased collagen in the dermal layer by a staggering 80% It stimulates hyaluronic acid production by a phenomenal 20% It skyrockets the SOD antioxidant in the blood by 60% SOD is one of THE most powerful antioxidants (or what I call your skin’s bodyguards). And it’s also the only antioxidant that can neutralize the most damaging free radical in our body.

Ok, those are the most common questions I hear.

I want to thank you again for your time. And I hope I was able to shed some light on the possibilities for your skin health.

Remember to click the “Add To Cart” button below.

I look forward to hearing from you!

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please Note: The material on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.